Halloween 2013

Olympia, WA

Halloween is a favorite, here in Taylortown.


... and Costumes!

We all went for it this year!

I'll start with Morgan.

After weeks of failing to talk her out of some kinda fairy-princess-ballerina abomination (because Halloween is some serious s**t),
a gift from our friends John and Jade showed up on the front porch with a cute witch costume in it.
Bam! She loved it, witches are kinda scary, everyone was happy.

Then, at the last minute, on Halloween,
She decides she wants to wear her butterfly costume and be a butterfly.
Well, I may have failed as a father, but at least the tutu stayed in the closet.

...and butterflies are, like, sorta spooky insects that metamorph in some kinda creepy alien cocoon, right?
Oh well there's always next year. I'll start trying to sell the undead theme now.
(Nice work anyway J&J.)


Need I say more?


Shred returns!

You would probably like to un-see that last one huh?
Too bad! You're gonna have to live with that one!

Happy Halloween!