Lightning Peak
Olympic Mountains
July 8, 2018

(All photos link to full resolution versions.)

I climbed Lightning Peak with two co-workers (also members of the Geohazards Ski to Sea team).
Todd (red shirt white helmet) had been up Lightning Peak twice before. He led the way.
Chris (grey shirt red helmet) and I had never been here before, although Chris was familiar with the approach trail (Copper Creek).

That is Lightning Peak behind us.
Todd and I were busy identifying peaks to the north.

We were probably looking over here.
Those two pointy peaks on the horizon are Mt. Ellinor (right) and Mt. Washington (left).
Mt. Washington was my first peak. I climbed it in 1998.
I had been on top of Mt. Ellinor (with Brock, Cynthia, and Morgan) on the day prior to this climb.

Lots of scrambling up through the trees to get to the craggy mountaintop.

This photo shows the route-finding section above the trail and below the craggy mountaintop.
We more-or-less followed the valley, keeping to the right at first, and then gaining the ridge on the left side of the valley.

A few patches of snow remained.

The crags at the top were fun to climb around on. There are two peaks of similar height.
I think the nearest one is the true summit, but we climbed them both to make sure.

Vainglorius summit shot.
After 20 years, I kind of have to do this now.

Todd reaches the summit!

There is an exposed knife ridge on the far side of the first summit.
Todd set up a safety line and roped in for this section.

Todd working his way toward the second summit.

Looking back at the first summit from the second summit.

Group photo on the second summit.

Todd and Chris roped up again to pass back over the first summit on the way back down.
I scrambled it.

Great views!

Big thanks to Todd for showing me Lightning Peak!